This Kerrang front cover creates synergy with the contents page in several different ways. Such as the main theme on this front cover is the '51 Greatest Pop-Punk albums ever' and on the contents page this is featured again.
There is a bright yellow that pops on the front cover headline, this is also used on the subheadings used on the contents page. This creates further synergy with the front cover.

There is one contents page on this magazine, it features 18 of the stories on the inside and has 4 images on it. Similar fonts are used in the contents page as are on the front cover they are in different sizes and colours however.
Synergy is very important in magazines as it makes the magazine its styles, I want the cover to link with the rest of the magazine so I know they are from the same magazine. For example I do not want to be reading a Rock magazine by Kerrang and see synergy with the magazine Classical as it does not make sense or relate to the genre.
How this magazine has inspired me
I love how all the featured artists appear to be exploding out from behind the main headline, it adds a really cool rock look. Since I want to create a pop or pop-punk magazine it could be a great effect to further explore
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