Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Contents Page Research 4

This contents page was featured in a Metal Hammer magazine. There are 10 stories with 5 different fonts and a variety of sizes featured on this contents page which spreads across 2 pages. 7 of the articles featured are also paired with an image related to the article. There are 4 regular features and 5 columns of text and 11 photos on the contents page. The page numbers are a lot bigger than the font they are next to and are in a San serif font, placed next to the text they represent. There is not much white space as it is mainly covered by text and pictures however the background is white. 9 different locations,clothes,make up and hair looks on this contents page.

This contents page matches the front cover in a few ways, such as some of the artists featured on the front cover are featured in the contents page again. The biggest similarity is the use of the masthead throughout the contents page. Similar fonts are used throughout the cover and the contents page.

The 'Metal Hammer' logo is used on the iPad and again in the top right corner of the contents page. The publishers of the 'Metal Hammer magazine are Team Rock Ltd.

The page links very well to the genre of rock as it is mainly black and features dark colours and people wearing leather and other black clothes. It also shows the target audience very easily as there is an 'iPad download' available which is very modern technology that the younger generation are seen using more than the older generation is.

I believe Richard Dyer can be very well applied in this situation as all the artists/models are shot in a very specific way or in a certain location e.g a studio which creates a true image not a real person.

1 comment:

  1. A much more proficient level 3 post. You could certainly push yourself and move into level 4, highlight your key media terminology and consider the connotations of the images, colours etc. You need to explain why certain signs have been used , we should also look at Dyer again. A strong star image has been created, I am sure this star doesn't look like this in his daily life! Consider what star image has been created, why and how it appeals to the TA. Is it aggressive? Attractive? Voyeuristic?
