This is the contents page from a Mojo magazine. The magazine contains 154 pages, there are 14 other stories included on the front cover and i can notice 5 features which look regular in this magazine. For example 'the Mojo guide to the month in music', feature as above. The house style Mojo masthead is kept exactly the same in the contents page as the front cover.

Another feature which creates synergy with the contents page is that on the front cover there is a feature saying 'Mojo's essential £1000 CD collection' this is also featured on the contents page. There are 2 columns of text featured with only one image on the contents page. This image is in black and white which really gives the magazine a more vintage feel to it.
The font used on the page number is the same size throughout in a serif style font, the pictures are not in puffs they are just against the plain white background, the numbers are to the left of which story they represent, There is not much white space as it it mostly covered by the text and image, the background however is white. There are 5 different fonts and sizes used on this contents page, 3 of which are San serif the others are not.

The mojo logo is used at the top centre of the page and this is the only feature of it, however the fonts used and page numbers are all very synergistic with other Mojo contents pages.

Only one article has an image featured on it therefore there is only one location for the photo shoot, one make up look and one set of clothes.
I believe this contents page relates to its genre because it is black and white which gives a definite vintage feel and also it's quite simplistic not busy like a modern 'Q' magazine. The magazine is aimed at an older generation clearly as it is vintage and the artists are all older artists.
The industry which publishes this magazine is EMAP.
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