This is a Q magazine from May 2014 and the double page spread started on page 54. There are 2 columns of text featured, the text does not fill the width of the page and there is about 1 cm space between the columns. The text is left aligned and is in serif style black font. The font of the headline is black, very large and in a San serif font, I like how the edges of the letters look smeared out it gives a more rock look to it.

There are no pull quotes, drop capitals or standfirsts featured on this double page spread. All of the quote marks are the same size as the font featured which is around 12 point. There is one crosshead featured in this article and it is in a bolder black San serif font rather than the average serif font like the rest of the text. The main image is a distance long shot of a young women wearing a lot of black and leather this is a very stereotypical sign of a rock chick. The model is also holding signs about gender rights, this matches the title as it says 'this is who I am' which is clearly fighting for equality just like the signs are.
I believe the image supports the target audience very well as often rock fans are judged for their music tastes however this is all about fighting for what you believe in so therefore is very supportive. The article is also supportive as it is also about being unique and yourself, not to change yourself and to be different. The model is not changing her fashion or make up to fit in, she is fighting for her beliefs. The main image is shot outdoors in natural lighting and there are no obvious effects added by Photoshop.

The only thing that has a slight house style to Q is the red puff as the red colour is the same shade of red as the background of the iconic Q logo.
There is not much white space featured on this magazine at all as the image covers a great quantity and so does the text and puff.
There are largely colours such as black and grey and the only vibrancy is the red puff, this is very typical of rock as rock is stereotypically black and darker colours. These colours work well together as they are all very similar.
The language is all rather formal and no slang is used, however I still think this is aimed at a more modern target audience due to the fact transgender people are more easily accepted in a modern world. The tenor used is casual throughout. The keyword mainly used to describe the main image is 'transgender'. I would say the article is around 800 words long as it spans over several pages.
There are a few codes and conventions used on this double page spread such as a headline, photos and text.
This magazine has influenced my creativity because I love the headline font,the way it looks rugged and worn away gives a really vintage rock look and would be perfect on a magazine like mine.