Monday, 11 January 2016

Question 7 Evaluation

Final Magazine.

During my media journey I have learnt many things and come along way from where I started, being my prelim task compared to what my final

music magazine looked like.


The first thing I have learnt during my journey is how the technology 
worked. I have learnt how to edit a photo on to the background
I want it on for example in my prelim photo the background is 
a school canteen which is very unprofessional. However in my final
magazine the background is a gradient which looks a 
great deal more professional.

Another thing I have learnt on my media journey is about photography, 
I have learnt many things such as about different shot types, 
lighting, location and how to work a camera. I have also learnt 
how to plan a photo shoot to get the best outcome.

The main thing I have learnt on my media journey is about convention 
and terminology. I have learnt that most magazine have the
masthead at the top of the page and it covers 1/6th of the page, that
pugs tend to be at the top of the page and puffs contain words 
such as 'exclusive' and 'free'. These are all features I have 
included in my final magazine. 

I have also learnt about different media theorist and their theories. 
For example I have learnt that Laura Mulvey suggested the theory about
male gaze, if a female shows skin and looks into camera she is trying to 
grab the attention of a man. I also learnt about Dyer and his theory
of a star being an image and not a person, this is true as my
model wouldn't usually have such heavily make up
or wear such dark clothes.

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