Thursday, 17 December 2015

Dps article

Just an average rainy day in England, driving to the airport to pick his daughter up is where it all went wrong for Hermione Haynes’ father 18 months ago. For the first time the lovely Hermione has opened up to us about the tragedy of her father’s death. As the whole nation knows the wonderful Hermione took a yearlong break from the music industry due to the loss of her father and this is how the incident affected her life.  ‘Of course the death hit the whole family very hard, but no one as hard as my Mum and I, Jesus it hit us like a truck. I don’t think my Mum will ever get over this, he was her everything, I doubt she’ll find what they had ever again even if she’s still quite young’. It’s evident that the death has hurt them all but Hermione blames herself an awful lot, of course she should not do that and her family is always telling her this.
She was always very close to her father and sadly 18 months ago he passed away, however she has not let this stop her Hermione is back, bigger and better than ever before. She is bringing out an album with all completely new songs, its set to sell better than any of her other albums, we decided to ask her about the year she took off and the inspirations for her new album, this is what she told us, ‘The year I took off was not time I spent enjoying or as a holiday, it was a really hard time not just for me but for my family too. This sounds really cliché but losing my Dad did inspire me, the music might not all be about losing someone but he definitely inspired the new music.’ 
We learned from some of the questions we asked her that her whole family were very close knit and the loss has separated the family. Her father was her original inspiration for music as it is, when she was only 3 years old her fathered bought her the first guitar she ever had and that was when she fell in love with music. She learnt to play the guitar to an amazing standard when she was a young 9 years old, won her first competition when she was 11, was in her first band at 17 and now at 26 she’s one of the most successful female rock artists in the UK.
So how does she feel about all these achievements? ‘To be honest when I was growing up I had stereotypical aspirations, especially for a girl, I wanted to be a vet! Even though I learnt so young won the competition when I was 11 and was in the band at 17 I never took it seriously it was just a bit on the side, a hobby was all. The first time I actually thought I was any good was when I was approached by a company and then it was all full speed ahead from there, photo shoots, recording studios, writing songs and magazine interviews. I couldn’t believe how quickly it all happened!’ Rising to fame at the young age of 18 must have been an amazing and scary experience but she told us she had support from the very beginning. ‘My Dad was there with me every single step of the way and supported everything I did’
We talked to her about the early days of her career, the most memorable parts and the highlights. She was only in her band for 10 months and then went solo which is where it all kicked off and this is what she said about the memories and highlights. ‘Oh god there has been so many amazing memories, these last few years have been the most amazing of my life, if I’m honest it’s all been a highlight, I remember this one concert I did, I was just a support act but the crowd was so big and I’ll never forget how nervous I was my heart was beating out my chest and it was just the most amazing feeling, I’ll never forget that!’
So after the last excruciatingly painful 18 months Hermione is finally getting back to her old self and bringing out some cracking new songs and we are delighted to have her back! So what is next for Hermione, of course there is the new album, but we have heard talk of maybe even a book.

If Hermione is bringing a new album out surely that must mean a tour too? You will all be pleased to know that it does! She will be travelling and touring end to end of the UK in late 2016 and we will have more updates about that closer to the time. And maybe a chance for you to win backstage passes to a concert in London with accommodation already paid for! But more on that later!

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