Wednesday, 25 November 2015
Monday, 16 November 2015
Thursday, 5 November 2015
Front Cover research 4
The most outstanding feature on this Vintage Rock magazine is the main image, this is definitely because the image is in black and white which makes in majorly stand out against the deep and bright red background, the black and which image definitely brings a massive vintage element onto this front cover.
The masthead is at the top of the page covering the top 5th it is in white font against the red background. The masthead is in a serif font.
There are 8 cover stories on the front cover, there are variety of font styles, sizes and colours used for the different cover stories. There is a large proportion of the text is in a variety of yellow tones.
The masthead is at the top of the page covering the top 5th it is in white font against the red background. The masthead is in a serif font.
There are 8 cover stories on the front cover, there are variety of font styles, sizes and colours used for the different cover stories. There is a large proportion of the text is in a variety of yellow tones.
Masthead Results Target Audience
This target audience research has shown me which of these masthead my target audience would prefer to see on the front of a magazine. I was really pleased that this masthead design was my target audiences favourite too as I thought it would look good on a front cover. I've not decided completely what colour it is but it will most likely be black and white.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
My TA Questions
1. How frequently do you read music magazines in print or online?
2. Do you prefer articles to be more in depth and complex or worded in a simpler manner?
3. Would you like to be able to relate to an article in a music magazine?
4. Would you prefer the main image on the front cover to be of a male of a female?
5. What colours would you like to see on a front cover?
6. On a double page spread would you rather the article be about a male of female?
7. Do you download music from iTunes or not?
8. Would you like to have a free download with a magazine?
9. Do you mind swearing in a magazine article?
10. Would you like artists on the front cover and Double page spread to have props with them?
11. Do you ever go to concerts? If so how often?
12. What sort of adverts would you like to see in a magazine?
13. Would you prefer younger or older artists?
14. Do you use social media, would you like the magazines to have links?
15. Would you prefer the artist to have natural or heavy make up?
16. Would you like a small news column?
17. Would you like to have an opportunity to win a competition?
18. Do you ever shop online?
19. Would you like a more exciting or simplistic front cover?
Sunday, 1 November 2015
Front Cover analysis 9 - Metal Hammer

This front cover is very simplistic yet effective non the less.There is only one story on this front cover and it is the main one no cover stories are featured. There are no banners featured anywhere, no puffs or pugs are featured either. There are also no CD's or free downloads featured with this issue of the magazine.
The font style of the main story is in a dull ages colour which looks faded in areas and very rugged which is typical of the rock genre. The main colour theme is black and a very dull gold shade, this fits well with the genre as they are both vintage with the gold and rock with the black, black is a typical house style of Metal Hammer as they are a rock band.

As the magazine front cover looks quite simplistic it may suggest that the contents and quality is also of a similar quality.

The image does relate to the headline as the image is of the band Avenger Sevenfold and the title also reads Avenged Sevenfold.

The photo has only been manipulated to make the masthead behind the artists and the headline to cover their bodies.About one third of their bodies are covered by the headline and that is the only text covering them.The image is in colour and they are all wearing mainly black and a large amount of leather. The hair and make up of all the artists is completely natural, just to enhance features for the photography, which was done in a studio.There are no props featured and they are against a rather simple background.
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